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I am originally from Salinas, CA. Growing up, I spent most of my time playing soccer and going to school as there weren’t many indoor activities. During the summers, I enjoyed exploring the neighborhood and fields nearby. The surrounding area was always full of vegetable fields, and it was fun to see what would be growing that season. Many times, the field workers would let me take home some fresh vegetables because of the great harvests they had. It was fascinating to me to see just how much work was put into planting and harvesting the food we eat every day.

I moved to Santa Clara, CA when I was 10 years old and found it to be a positive learning experience. The most dramatic change was the different cultures I was exposed to. Back in Salinas, I was constantly surrounded by a large Hispanic community that was mostly of Catholic faith. However, once moving here, I was shocked to see just how many different religions and races there were.  I found these differences benefitted my life as I could take part in many events I never would have had the opportunity to had I not moved. I was able to experience different cultures and appreciate how unique and special each can be. This exposure allowed me to appreciate just how diverse the world is and how accepting people are of others' differences.


I am currently a sophomore at Santa Clara University studying mechanical engineering. When I first arrived to SCU, I was a computer engineering major, but I quickly realized it was not a field I want to pursue. After taking my intro to engineering course, I was introduced to the differences in each engineering major and ultimately decided that mechanical engineering was a more fitting field for me. The wide range of jobs attracted me. As someone who is indecisive about the future and afraid of not enjoying the job I study for, this was a great relief. I also realized that I preferred to work on projects that I could physically touch and see come to life. While coding was exciting when I had an end result, I found that I missed the physical aspect of projects. A program I create could benefit humanity greatly, but I prefer to design a product and produce something that could physically be there to support someone. 

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